Wednesday, April 13, 2011

In Response to Post of February 28th

E-mail from ECV Community:

In recent weeks, our buiolding service staff has had to discard a significant amount of improperly disposed of trash.  We wanted to take this opportunity to once again remind you of the policies in regard to proper trash disposal found on page 25 of your ECV Community Guide

Recycling and Trash
Residents of East Campus Village are responsible for the removal of their trash to the dumpsters. Dumpsters are located on the north side of Building 1512 and McWhorter Hall, as well as the east side of Rooker Hall.
Should bagged trash, pizza boxes or other large items be found in any location except the dumpster, including indoor and outdoor community waste baskets and other small trash cans/receptacles, an attempt will be made to identify the owner of the trash. However, should no owner be identified, the residents residing in the closest area of the trash will be assessed a fee. Residents who witness others improperly disposing of trash should report this to a VCA or the Community Desk after confronting the other resident.

Improper disposal of trash carries a minimum $25.00 administrative fee.

All communities recycle. Students are encouraged to participate in East Campus Village’s recycling program. Large recycling bins are located adjacent to each of the dumpsters. Residents are encouraged to recycle paper, aluminum cans, and plastic containers in these locations. For more information about recycling with UGA Housing, please visit

ECV Staff


Dear Dumb College Kids,

Don't make me literally pay for your laziness.


P.S. Other Dumb College Kids: Spell check all but does it for you. Now everyone in the buiolding knows you're dumb.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Dear Dumb College Kids,

I thought I would eventually run out of new things to complain about, but you are still amazing me with how rude, self-absorbed, and unforgivably ignorant you all are.

I don't even want to waste my time detailing your numerous offenses right now.
