Monday, February 28, 2011

Dear Dumb College Kids,

If it's not yours, don't touch it. Especially when it's someone else's umbrella and it's friggin' pouring outside.

Dear Dumb College Kids,

There are dumpsters right behind this building for the purpose of providing a place for you to put your trash. The regular-sized trashcans on either side of the entrance to the building are not for your large trash bags. Stop being lazy pieces of crap and walk to the other side of the building.

Furthermore, there are two dumpsters there. When the one in front is full, walk the less-than-three feet to the one behind it; do not put your trash on the ground next to the full one.


Friday, February 25, 2011

Dear Dumb College Kids,

Are you really that dim that you can't remember what seat you sit in every day?

Dear Dumb College Kids,

Stop wearing shirts/stickers, etc. that say "Athens, I Love You." You do not love the city of Athens. You love UGA and downtown. The rest of Athens is seriously crappy and if you were making anything but a college kid's income, you would not choose to live here. If the campus and bars were not here, there would be nothing else except two Walmarts and a bunch of crack houses.

Dear Dumb College Kids,

Attn: Girls in Nike running shorts

Nike running shorts are not the only type of shorts that exist in the world. Some of you clearly don't even actually work out.


Monday, February 21, 2011

Dear Dumb College Kids,

Okay, really? Are we in college or middle school?


Subject: Quiz 2 grades
Topic: Grades
Date: February 18, 2011 3:54 PM
Are quiz 2 grades going to be up ANY TIME SOON? thank you. i know that there is a handwritten part, but the scantron part should be graded relatively fast.

Subject: Quiz grades
Topic: Grades
Author: Alan Guilfoyle
Date: February 20, 2011 1:37 PM
I don't know if the Professor is just being nice or if he can't comment but TO ALL that keep posting about "when grades for quizzes" are going to be posted, Shut up! Stop posting and whining, taking up other peoples time reading your messages that have nothing but useless nagging and scathing tones. It's not like life as we know it depends on it. HE WILL POST GRADES WHEN HE POST THEM!!! Nagging and posting these obnoxious messages will not make him post grades any faster, I promise.

Thanks for the whole class
Subject: Re:Quiz grades
Topic: Grades
Date: February 20, 2011 9:13 PM
Agreed. In a similar vein, it seems really silly to come to class and talk your way through it. You do know that you CHOSE to be in this class - no one forced it upon you. I also chose to be in this class and I would like to be able to pay attention during lecture without the incessant hum of chatter distracting me...

Subject: Re:Quiz grades
Topic: Grades
Date: February 21, 2011 8:45 AM
also it would be lovely if people stopped leaving at 12. is sitting there another fifteen minutes really gonna kill you?

Subject: Re:Quiz grades
Topic: Grades
Date: February 21, 2011 12:21 PM
i don't think everyone needs to put their input in. you want people to stop posting discussion messages...then STOP putting them on here yourself. and megan, no...people have lab to get to on the other side of campus & if they've talked to dr. freeman-lynde about having to leave a little bit early, that's their problem.

Subject: Re:Quiz grades
Topic: Grades
Date: February 21, 2011 9:15 PM
I don't think it's unreasonable to ask that people not talk when Dr. Freeman-Lynde is trying to lecture, do you?

Subject: Re:Quiz grades
Topic: Grades
Author: Andrew James
Date: February 21, 2011 8:56 PM

Subject: Re:Quiz grades
Topic: Grades
Date: February 21, 2011 10:20 PM
In Reply to: Re:Quiz grades

Subject: Re:Quiz 2 grades
Topic: Grades
Date: February 21, 2011 12:37 PM
Im more frustrated about the fact that we basically have to teach ourselves a few chapters every quiz.

Subject: Re:Quiz 2 grades
Topic: Grades
Date: February 21, 2011 2:55 PM
LOUD NOISES!!!!!!!!!!

Subject: Re:Quiz 2 grades
Topic: Grades
Date: February 21, 2011 9:15 PM
It's a 3000 level class. You signed up for it.

Subject: Re:Quiz 2 grades
Topic: Grades
Date: February 21, 2011 10:15 PM
Yeah thanks michelle, i know what a 3000 level class entails, ive taken quite a few. im just frustrated that we have to teach ourselves half the material for the quizzes. i know its not his fault, it was the snow days, its just annoying. 


This is not The Real World: eLC. And you wonder why no one over the age of 30 takes you seriously or thinks you're capable of anything.

Get it together.


Friday, February 18, 2011

Dear Dumb College Kids,

Just because the high is 75 does not mean that it is going to be 75 all day. You look like a dumb ass for wearing shorts when it's only 49 out.


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Dear Dumb College Kids,

Push your chairs in, you heathens.


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Dear Dumb College Kids,

The coolness you try to give off by blasting your music with your windows down is cancelled when you drive a moderately priced mid-sized sedan.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Dear Dumb College Kids,

You are not being sneaky or covert when the smell of your pot invades the entire hallway.

Dear Dumb College Kids,

You cannot take up the entire sidewalk just because you want to walk side by side with your friends. And don't act offended when I refuse to move into the grass and maybe bump into you sort of hard just because you can't manage a triangle formation.

Dear Dumb College Kids,

If you cannot find the quiz grades in the clearly labeled folder "Quiz Grades," then they are obviously not up yet and you do not need to post in two different threads asking where they are.

And for the love of anything and everything, learn the difference between "you're" and "your." The difference in time it takes to type the former over the latter is absolutely insignificant. "It's faster" is not an excuse unless you happen to be caught in a time warp in which everything runs five million times slower.

Dear Dumb College Kids,

When someone is behind you for cereal, get your cereal and then go away. Do not get your cereal and then stand there and proceed to mix your eggs like no one is behind you.


Monday, February 14, 2011

Dear Dumb College Kids,

Seriously just do your work on time.


P.S. To the specific person who posted this - Why even bother at that point?
Dear Dumb College Kids,

You must wait for people to come out of the bus before you can get on the bus. Your body is not going to fit where another body already is. And when people are attempting to get out of the bus, do not slow and/or completely destroy the process by standing in front of the door and leaving no room for them to get around you.

Dear Dumb College Kids,

I should not be able to tell what song you are listening to all the way on the other end of the bus.

And I will resent you even more when I have to pay your Medicare when you are 27 and hearing disabled.

Dear Dumb College Kids,

Please stop using eLC to reveal how dumb you are.

Also, please stop asking teachers when you will get quizzes/tests/papers back. They will be returned when they are ready. You asking does not make the process go faster and you knowing will not change your grade. In fact, if you annoy them enough, they will probably secretly take five points off for you being dumb. I would.
