Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Dear Dumb College Kids,

You like playing loud music on Friday/Saturday nights when you're having a party. Cool. I get it.

Why are you blasting your bass-filled music all afternoon and night on Mondays and Tuesdays? Seriously get over it.

Furthermore, I'm not above calling the RAs. You're just lucky that I'm not sure which room it's coming from and that I'm too lazy/busy to go find out.


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Dear Dumb College Kids,

Here's a little metaphysical lesson that you should keep in your pockets: Everything is made for a reason.

eg: Bread comes in wrappers for a reason. You may think that bread manufacturers include these items simply for your inconvenience, but what it really does is keeps the bread fresh. Unless, of course, you're one of the overwhelmingly large amounts of dining hall eaters who decide that wrapping a loaf of bread back up when you are done with it is just not worth three seconds out of your day. Then it's pretty much just there to be annoying.

Just like you.


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Dear Dumb College Kids,

As equally dumb as the Red and Black is to all of you, they do not put those advertisements in there just for you to throw them on the ground next to the newspaper bin. If you choose not to read them, at least put them in the trash can that is always ten feet or less away from every newspaper box.


Friday, March 11, 2011

Dear Dumb College Kids,

Try not to be too dumb over Spring break.

Though hopefully your stories will give me stuff to complain about.


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Dear Dumb College Kids,

A couple of notes about proper bus behavior:

1) Do not play your music out loud. No one wants to hear it.

2) You are not allowed to take up two seats for your own luxurious comfort when the bus is crowded.

3) When the person you're talking to is right next to you, you do not need to yell. I don't want to know everything about you by the time you or I get off.

4) When the person you're talking to is not right next to you, sit next to them. Do not yell across the aisle or across me, especially about Assassin's Creed.

5) The Orbit is not the only bus that can get you where you need to go.
